Wednesday, April 1, 2009


A man is travelling on business, and one day calls his wife. The butler answers the phone, and he seems very cagey about where she is. Finally he has to admit that she is upstairs, bonking her lover.
The man is furious, and tells the butler to immediately go and get a rifle from the study, and kill them both. The butler, who for reasons not important and which would destroy the suspension of disbelief required to make jokes work, agrees. There is silence over the phone for a few minutes, then he hears some distant screams and shouting, then some bangs, then silence. Finally the butler comes back on the line.
"Well sir," he says, "I did what you asked, I took a rifle from the study and shot them both point-blank. They are dead."
"Excellent," says the man. "And what did you do with their bodies?"
"I threw them in the lake behind the house", says the butler.
The man says, "What lake behind the house? err... what number is this?"

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