Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good News Doctor

Man goes to his Doctor,The Doc says "I've got good news and bad...which do you want first".

"I guess the bad first " he says...

"Well,the bad news is that you have terminal Cancer and about three weeks to Live"

"What could possibly be the good news"

"Did you see my Receptionist,the redhead with the great tits....I'm fucking her!"


Two fish are in a tank.
One fish says to the other "How do you drive this thing?"


A penguin was driving his car down the road when he felt that the transmission was starting to slip.

Lucky for him, there was a transmission repair shop on the side of the road, so he coasted right up to the service bay and talked to the mechanic about the problem.

The mechanic said he was a little busy but could check it out in a half hour. The penguin said fine, and waddled off to kill some time on the street. A block up the road, he saw a 31 flavors Baskin Robbins store, he went in to get cooled off.

Hey, he's a penguin.

After a little while, he went back to the repair shop, and saw that his car was up on the rack. The mechanic walked out to greet him, and said "Looks like you blew a seal".

The penguin wiped off his mouth and said: "Nope, it's just vanilla ice cream"


How can you tell a porcupine from a BMW?

The porcupine has the pricks on the outside.


What's the difference between a lawyer and a sperm?

The sperm has a one-in-a-billion chance to be human.


Did you hear about the dyslexic who choked to death on his own Vimto?

Seven dwarves

The seven dwarves were all sitting in the tub feeling happy...

So Happy got out.